Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn has commissioned an internal Inquiry into antisemitism and other forms of racism within the Labour Party.

We publish below details of the remit/terms of reference for the Inquiry as released by the Leader's Office earlier today.

This is an independent Inquiry commissioned by the Leader.  JLM is publishing these details in order to assist and encourage those of our members who want to make submissions and engage with the process.

(Please note that this Inquiry is separate from the Labour Party Inquiry commissioned by the NEC and led by Baroness Royall.  That Inquiry is investigating a set of specific allegations of racism & antisemitism as well as some related wider issues.  Baroness Royall is expected to report back to the NEC next week.)

Terms of reference

The inquiry in to anti-semitism and other forms of racism within the Labour Party will be chaired by Shami Chakrabarti and the vice chair will be David Feldman. The inquiry aims to establish a statement of principles and guidance about anti-semitism and other forms of racism. The official terms of reference of the Inquiry are to:

- Consult widely with the Jewish community, other minority representatives and Labour Party members to investigate allegations of anti-semitism and racism within the Party.

- To establish guidance about the boundaries of acceptable behaviour and language.

- To develop clear and transparent compliance procedures for dealing with allegations of anti-semitism and racism.

- To scope out the need for training programmes for parliamentary candidates, MPs, Councillors and others to ensure all representatives understand the code of conduct as well as how to respond to allegations of racism.

- To make recommendations for changes to the code of conduct and party rules if required.

- To recommend other actions to ensure that the Labour party is a welcoming environment for members of all communities.

The chair of the inquiry, Shami Chakrabarti, formally invites members and supporters of the Labour Party and members of relevant communities to submit evidence to this inquiry. To submit evidence please email: [email protected] or write to: The Chakrabarti Inquiry, c/o The Labour Party, Southside, 105 Victoria Street, SW1E 6QT.
The inquiry will last for two months and will report back by the end of June.