Responding to reports that Labour's NEC has voted to reject recommendations from an official investigation to take action against members of Oxford University Labour Club following allegations of antisemitism and bullying in early 2016, JLM Chair Jeremy Newmark commented: 

"This decision rides roughshod over the concerns and experiences of our student members.   They have confronted the impact of anti-Semitism at OULC first hand.  They do not feel comfortable attending meetings of their own Labour club. This has been looked at by three inquiries and one investigation. They complainants have not heard from the Party for nearly a year - even to inform them of this decision.  It is many months since Chakrabarti recommended an overhaul of the complaints and investigations process but seemingly nothing has changed. 

JLM is working with Labour Students and UJS to deliver training and education to prevent future incidents. However this problem can not be fixed without the backing of a disciplinary process that is fit for purpose.  This decision shows just how far we still have to go."

Jeremy Newmark - National Chair, JLM